Belgique Historique

Illustration Design

For this project I chose to visualize the fall of Belgian King Albert I in March 1934 in Marche-Les-Dames.

Four conspiracy theories have been formulated around this:

A Parisian hitman was used to kill King Albert I because he did not want to have a military agreement with France.

Hitler gave the order to remove King Albert I in order to obtain a free passage to Belgium for a German invasion.

This theory would refer to the painting Rechtvaardige Rechters (Lam Gods) of Van Eyck. The rocks on the painting would look like the rocks of Marche-Les-Dames. They would also carry a secret with them and to keep that secret, the king had to be killed and the painting kept hidden.

Albert I died of suicide due to financial problems and biliousness thoughts.

© Sofie De Boodt 2024